Thank you for your interest in House Churches at East End Fellowship!


For More Information…

As you might have heard heard, House Churches really are the best way to get connected here at EEF and we want to help you find one that is the right fit for you. 

We’ve asked our House Church Leaders to write a short description of their House Church to help guide you as you try to find a good fit. You'll find those descriptions here. Feel free to visit just one House Church or visit them all! There is also contact information for each House Church so that you can reach out and ask any other questions you might have and get the meeting addresses that you need. Our House Church leaders love hearing from potential visitors so don’t be shy to get in touch with them.

We hope that you are able to find the just right House Church for your needs and feel free to reach out to our administrator, Emily, if you have any more questions!

East End Fellowship House Church Information