East End Fellowship House Church Descriptions 

Land/McNeely - Monday Nights

Our house church is a spiritual family connected by food, laughter, persistent prayer for one another, and our love for Jesus. We meet each Monday night from 6:30-8:30 to share a meal and, through our monthly rhythm, spend time in worship, Bible study, prayer, service, and having fun! We are committed to supporting each other inside and outside of our house church time. We are currently made up of singles and young families, but want to be home to those seeking a spiritual family in any stage of life. We are a family to lean on for the big and little things, whether you need your dog walked or prayer over a life changing decision.

Contact Info: Lindsey Land (lindseyalene18@gmail.com; Ryan Land (rland622@gmail.com); Shannon McNeely (shannonemcneely@gmail.com); Graham McNeely (graham.mcneely@gmail.com)

Oakwood House Church - Tuesday Nights

Oakwood House Church welcomes all who want to come hang out with our large, intergenerational  (and sometimes loud) extended family as we journey with Jesus together. Our regular rhythms include meeting (most often at the Wijes' house) on Tuesday evenings from 630-830p to enjoy a potluck meal and follow an "up-in-out" theme for our gatherings. Up gatherings often include worship, Bible reading, and prayer. In gatherings often include game nights, sharing and prayer,or celebrating a life moment for someone in the group. Out gatherings seek to engage one of our missional spaces, including the schools we work at and attend, Urban Hope, and Ruakh Arts. We are continually seeking spaces to do both justice and mercy in as a group. We have a strong core of "regulars" who range in age from 1 to 60’s (a few young kids, a cluster of middle schoolers, singles and young marrieds, and moms and dads) and then several family members who are strongly tied to us through spiritual bonds but not able to "attend" our gatherings as regularly during this life stage. 

Contact Info: Elena Aronson (elena.j.aronson@gmail.com); Hayden Hobby (hayden.hobby95@hotmail.com); Adam Hart (hart.adam1@gmail.com); Anya Kobayashi (anyanamous@gmail.com)

Persons of Peace - Tuesday Nights

We are a very diverse family of both singles and couples, churched and unchurched and different ethnic groups. We are all very active in the community and try our best to make sure House Church remains a place to be nourished and refreshed and not just another thing to do. We are very open to new people and have been described as comfortable and fun. We pride ourselves in being able to have hard conversations and still function together and love each other well despite our disagreements. We are a place that is safe to grow, learn and question together and we can't wait to meet you.

Contact Info: Sherika Chew (sherikachew2@gmail.com); Denzel Mitchell (dcmitchell2000@gmail.com)

Johnson/Surratt House Church - Wednesday Nights

Our House Church is a welcoming, multigenerational group. We are composed of families in all different stages of life–from parents raising toddlers, up to grandparents pouring love into their babies’ babies. We are a community of folks who love Jesus and seek to grow together with Him, through the power of the Holy Spirit. We meet from 6:30-8:00PM on Wednesday evenings–our meeting place regularly shifts to different parts of the city because many who attend regularly live outside of the Church Hill neighborhood. We share a meal together once a month and have rhythms of prayer and worship, content/discussion/Bible study time, social gatherings and gender split weeks. We are committed to deepening relationships with each other and elevating each person’s individual gifts, talents, and expressions of worship as we live into the reality that we belong to the Priesthood of All Believers.  

Contact Info: Kate Johnson (k.e.beach@gmail.com); Charles Johnson (Charles.w.a.johnson@gmail.com); Emily Surratt (eksurratt@gmail.com); Rob Surratt (robsurratt@gmail.com)

Chimbo House Church - Wednesday Nights

The Chimbo House Church meets every Wednesday evening from 6-7:30 where we share a meal once a month, study God's word together, and connect over prayer with and for each other. We are a mix of singles, couples, and families with young kids. 

We are a group with a family feel where connecting to each other and God is the primary focus. We desire to know and enjoy Our Father. Mostly made up of members in serving vocations, we find rest and mutual support in each other.

Contact Info: Amber Hartman (amber_hartman87@yahoo.com); Emily Thrush (emily.thrush@gmail.com); Amanda Harmon (amandajbenedict1@gmail.com)